
Plastic Surgery New Jersey

New Jersey Monthly magazine featured a Glasgold Group's patient who undergone facelift procedure. The article below answers many questions an individual thinks about prior to surgery. The patient described her feelings throughout the procedure and her reaction to the result...

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Facelift Recovery Process & Timeline

When you're considering procedures to rejuvenate your face, there’s often a trade-off. The less invasive procedures, such as fillers and Botox, have the shortest recovery time and often provide results quickly. Those results don’t last for very long, however&mda...

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How a Deep Plane Facelift Can Benefit You

Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder why you don't look as young as you feel? Maybe you’ve tried creams, facials, and cosmetic treatments without seeing your expected results. Or perhaps you’re looking for something a little more permanent, but still want t...

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woman in a white long sleeve top touching her hair

Double Jaw Surgery Can be Dangerous

Currently in South Korea, there has been an increase in Double-jaw surgery. It could become a worldwide radical cosmetic facial beauty fad given its growth popularity.  According to specialists who carry out this procedure, it is an extremely invasive surgical procedu...

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Can I improve a fat transfer gone wrong?

I am a 46 year old male. I recently had fat injected into the hollows of my eyes.  The swelling seems to have gone down but there are tiny lumps under my eyes now.  Is there some way to improve this?Answer:Lumpy irregularity after a fat transfer can be the result...

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What’s the difference in cost for a Rhinoplasty versus a Revision Rhinoplasty?

When considering rhinoplasty, or a nose job, it's important to understand the procedural differences between a primary rhinoplasty and a revision rhinoplasty. While costs are a consideration, the focus here is on what sets these two procedures apart in terms of technique, g...

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