Struggling with facial volume loss that makes you look aged? Opt for Facial Fat Grafting at Glasgold Group Plastic Surgery in Princeton, NJ. Harvest fat from your own body to fill in hollow areas, achieving a youthful, natural appearance effortlessly.
Restoring Youthful Facial Contours
Facial rejuvenation doesn’t always have to involve surgery to achieve an individual’s goals. The loss of volume in the face can produce a sunken, drawn appearance, contributing significantly to the appearance of aging, and “mini-facelifts” do not address this issue the way facial fat grafting can. Fat grafting is essentially taking fat from different parts of your body, like your abs, hips, or buttocks, and injecting it into the sections on your face that give off a hollowed-out appearance or other areas of the face with problems. We perform facial fat grafting treatments in Princeton, New Jersey, for patients looking to address facial volume loss.