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Benefits and Beauty in One Facial Liposuction

Experience the transformative power of neck liposuction in New Jersey at Glasgold Group. If you’ve struggled with stubborn facial fat that diet and exercise just can’t touch, this may be your ideal solution. Facial liposuction provides immediate, long-lasting results, sculpting your face for a more youthful, vibrant look. It’s a game-changer in aesthetic enhancement.

Immediate Results

No waiting months for gradual changes—facial liposuction offers instant facial contouring that you’ll notice right away.

Long-Lasting Effects

Say goodbye to constant upkeep. This is a permanent solution to remove unwanted facial fat for a lifetime of confidence.

Minimal Downtime

Recover quickly and get back to your busy life, looking better than ever. This procedure is designed for convenience and efficiency.

doctor touching patient's face

What Is Facial Liposuction?

Facial liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure able to remove localized fat deposits from areas of the face, such as the jowls and beneath the chin. Though this procedure is often performed along with other procedures like a facelift, it can be performed on its own. The ideal candidates for facial liposuction include physically healthy men and women who are of normal body weight but are bothered by areas of the face that are resistant to diet and exercise, such as a double chin.

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I had rhinoplasty/mentoplasty with Dr. Robert Glasgold back in 2009 and went back to him ten years later for a recent chin liposuction. I have continued to see him to discuss different options to keep my appearance youthful. Dr. Glasgold has always been patient with me and my one million questions, taking as much time as needed to address every concern and every possible outcome, explaining all options and their prices to achieve the look I desire. He sets expectations, which is important because the recovery from these procedures is not butterflies and rainbows. I am very open to sharing my surgical experiences with everyone, and unless you knew me 10+ years ago, you would never be able to tell that I’ve had work done. People are always in disbelief when I tell them about my surgeries, and I make sure to always credit Dr. Glasgold! Don’t ever retire!


Dear Dr. Glasgold, This is just a quick note to thank you for taking care of me. You and your staff made me feel so comfortable during/after my procedure, and for that, I am truly grateful. You are by far one of the most compassionate and caring doctors I have met, and I feel lucky to have been a patient. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Neck Liposuction Before and After Photos

* Each patient is unique, and individual results may vary.

View Our Before & After Photos

What is the Difference Between a Neck and Facial Liposuction

Neck liposuction targets excess fat under the chin and along the neck to create a more defined and sculpted jawline. It's primarily aimed at reducing a "double chin" and improving neck contours. Facial liposuction, on the other hand, focuses on removing fat from areas like the cheeks, jowls, and lower face to enhance overall facial definition and provide a slimmer appearance. While neck liposuction focuses on contouring the chin and neck area, facial liposuction addresses fat across the face for a more balanced, rejuvenated look. Both aim to enhance facial harmony but target different areas.

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Types of Facial Liposuction

Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuction is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the extent of the procedure and your surgeon's preference. Small puncture marks are made with a needle.  These marks allow the surgeon to insert a thin, hollow tube called a cannula into the fatty tissue of the chin and neck.  Using the cannula, the surgeon gently loosens and suctions out excess fat from the chin and neck area. The surgeon will sculpt the area to achieve a more defined jawline and improve the overall contour of the neck and chin.

Cheek Liposuction

Cheek liposuction is also often performed on its own and can be done without anesthesia. In this procedure, a thin tube is inserted beneath the patient’s skin on the cheek to access fat deposits within their cheeks. The fat is then removed with a suction device, and the incisions are closed with stitches or surgical tape.

Submental Liposuction

Submental liposuction is the removal of fat deposits that are between a person’s chin and their Adam’s apple. This procedure can be done without anesthesia but often requires local anesthetic injections to numb the area. During this process, minuscule punctures are created using a needle, facilitating the insertion of a slender, hollow tube known as a cannula into the adipose tissue around the chin and neck. Employing the cannula, the surgeon delicately dislodges and extracts surplus fat from these regions, sculpting them to attain a refined jawline and enhance the neck and chin's overall contour.

Candidates for Face and Neck Liposuction

Candidates for face and neck liposuction in New Jersey at Glasgold Group include women and men over the age of 18 who are physically healthy. Patients should be in good nutritional health and should not be obese or suffer from diabetes, sleep apnea, or heart disease. Pregnant women may also be unable to undergo cosmetic surgery, depending on how far along they are.

How Facial Liposuction Works

Facial liposuction works by removing fat deposits using a small surgical incision. In many cases, the swelling and bruising that follow are relatively minor because many cosmetic surgeons use microscopic tools when performing facial liposuction. Facial liposuction is typically a brief procedure that takes about an hour to complete and is often performed with local anesthesia.

The incisions are very small, pinpoint incisions requiring no suturing or only a single suture, thus resulting in no visible scarring. Once the incisions are made, fat is then extracted through the incisions. Two areas of the face that can benefit from liposuction are the fat deposits under the chin and the jowls.

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What to Expect After Facial Liposuction

Most patients can return home the day of their facial liposuction. After facial liposuction, you may experience bruising and swelling, but this should fade within a few days. Most people find that they can resume all normal activities, including work, after one to two weeks following their procedure.

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Recovery Process After Facial Liposuction

The recovery after facial liposuction is generally a rapid one with minimal discomfort. A small bandage may be applied. Some swelling can occur and will subside over several months. Patients are usually able to return to work and other normal activities within five days, though it will be at least ten days before more strenuous activities may resume.

Though the results of facial liposuction are generally long-lasting, any significant weight gain can cause fat to accumulate once again. Potential complications of facial liposuction may include adverse anesthesia reactions, asymmetry, fluid loss or retention, infection, pigmentation changes, rippling or bagginess of the skin, and skin injury.

How Much Does Facial Liposuction Cost in New Jersey?

The cost of facial liposuction varies widely and is dependent on several factors, including the area to be treated, the complexity of the procedure, your geographic location, and your surgeon’s experience level. As with many cosmetic procedures, there are financing options available at our practice in Princeton, NJ.

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Other Procedures


Our high level of training and experience allows us to provide each patient with results that look natural and rapid recovery in the safest environment.

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Get rejuvenating results without going through surgery. Injectables and dermal fillers are a great way to keep yourself looking younger and vibrant with little to no recovery time.

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Skin Care

Let us help you take care of your skin with skin care procedures and peels. We have a variety of specialty skin care techniques that will have you glowing and looking your best.

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Why Choose the Glasgold Group?

Facial Liposuction is a complex and custom procedure that requires a high level of skill and knowledge to perform properly. At the Glasgold Group, our surgeons have decades of experience, and patients and peers alike respect them for the beautiful, natural-looking results they consistently produce. By choosing the Glasgold Group for your procedure, you can expect results of the highest caliber and the knowledge that your safety and satisfaction are top priorities.

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Experience the Glasgold Difference

For over 50 years, the Glasgold Group has been a trailblazer in the field of aesthetics, known for our innovative practices, meticulous care, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Founded in the 1960s by Dr. Alvin Glasgold and continued by Dr. Robert and Dr. Mark Glasgold, our practice has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of plastic surgery. Patients trust our team to deliver top-notch care from start to finish.

What sets us apart is our patient-centered approach. Each individual is treated with personalized care and compassion, ensuring that their unique needs and concerns are addressed. Our goal is to create a comfortable and supportive environment where patients can openly discuss their goals and fears. This focus on personalized care not only ensures exceptional results but also a positive and fulfilling experience for every patient.

Facial Liposuction FAQ

How do I know if face & neck liposuction is for me?

Is facial liposuction dangerous?

What does facial liposuction do?

How long do results last?

How do I know if face & neck liposuction is for me?

You may benefit from facial liposuction if you have contour irregularities that are caused by excess fat deposits. For example, you may be a candidate for this procedure if your face is irregular in shape and has bulges or pockets of fat; this can occur with aging and even after dieting. Likewise, neck liposuction may help eliminate excess fat in the back of the neck and prevent sagging.

Is facial liposuction dangerous?

Facial liposuction is generally a very safe procedure and rarely results in complications, although all surgery carries some risks. The most common side effects associated with facial liposuction include bruising, swelling, bleeding, infection, asymmetry of the face, or numbness.

What does facial liposuction do?

Facial liposuction removes areas of unwanted fat and can contour the cheek area, neck area, and jawline. Areas where patients commonly request liposuction include the chin, cheeks, jowls, and neck.

How long do results last?

The results of facial liposuction generally last a lifetime if proper care is taken. Patients who lose weight may experience some sagging, but this can be corrected with a touch-up procedure approximately every ten years. Facial plastic procedures like facelifts, blepharoplasty, or rhinoplasty that are cosmetic in nature are often done at the same time as face liposuction.

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