Reasons for Rhinoplasty
Appearances are especially important to most teenagers. A large nasal hump or drooping nasal tip can be embarrassing for adults and teenagers alike, and many people want to fix their facial symmetry with rhinoplasty.
Decreasing the size of the nostrils or straightening the bridge are common rhinoplasty techniques for making the face look more balanced. Issues that pertain to the shape of the nose may or may not fall under the category of medical surgery. If the issue is purely cosmetic, the procedure is not considered functional.
A nose job that is designed to correct an injury or fix airway obstruction is often a necessity. This can improve the ability to breathe normally and reduce any potential pain from injury. A teenage rhinoplasty procedure can help with some common issues that affect the quality of life.
Nose Maturity
Before you can plan the details of your New Jersey rhinoplasty, you must determine if you are an appropriate age to consider surgery. It is important that potential candidates for surgery are at the appropriate degree of physical and emotional maturity. As a general rule surgery to the nose should not be performed until the patientis at or close to their peak physical growth.
For most teenagers, the nose is fully developed by their late teens. After puberty, it is unlikely that the nose will continue to noticeably grow. Although an injury could potentially reshape the nose, the nasal structure is typically permanent by this point.
The nose is made of skin, bone, and cartilage, which is slightly denser than skin, but much softer than bone. As a person ages, the skin’s elasticity decreases and can cause a weaker cartilage frame. This change occurs with age and does not affect the overall nasal structure.
To truly determine the maturity of your nose and your eligibility for rhinoplasty, you should consult directly with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon.
The Procedure
Techniques used during rhinoplasty surgery are the same for both adults and teenagers. If a person has a deviated septum, this procedure is considered functional, as it can address breathing issues. Although the surgery is the same, insurance may cover this type of nose job.
A rhinoplasty procedure is permanent and can change the way the patient views themselves or how others see them. A typical nose job takes approximately two or three hours to complete and does not need to be conducted in a hospital or inpatient setting.
Rhinoplasty patients need to be aware that the initial recovery time can take weeks. For teens, this is typically done during a vacation period when they will not need to go to school.
Do You Have a Good Support Network?
Every rhinoplasty patient should be prepared to involve loved ones and to rely on their support network as they prepare for surgery, make their way through recovery, and adjust emotionally to their cosmetic changes. Young patients can be especially vulnerable to these mental and emotional challenges and should not try to “go it alone.” Experience has shown that patients with a strong support network are more likely to be satisfied with their results, experience a smooth recovery, and reduce their risks for complications. When people are helping to care for you, you’re taking better care of yourself as well. Your physical recovery can be difficult at times, and if you involve your parents or friends, you’ll find strength in those who care about your well-being.
Can You Be Honest with Your Surgeon?
Your rhinoplasty consultation is your best chance to plan a successful rhinoplasty surgery, and that means you must be completely honest with your facial plastic surgeon. Don’t hide facts about your medical history, lifestyle habits, past surgeries, and current medications. By omitting information about yourself, you might put yourself at unnecessary risk for many serious complications. Being open with your facial plastic surgeon is the best way to ensure that you are completely satisfied and safe throughout your surgical process and recovery.
Are You Looking for Natural Results?
In order to be considered a success, the results of your rhinoplasty surgery must appear natural, as though you were born with the nose you now have. To achieve natural results, your facial plastic surgeon will make his expert recommendations based on your facial structure, facial proportions, ethnicity, individual concerns, and desired results. While you may have an idea of the nose you want already, your surgeon is the best qualified to determine which changes are appropriate for your personal look. Plan your surgery together for your best results.