Rhinoplasty, a plastic surgery procedure often known as a “nose job,” is one of the oldest and most popular cosmetic plastic surgeries available today. At Glasgold Group, our renowned facial plastic surgeons offer beautiful, natural-looking rhinoplasty results for patients in Princeton, New Jersey.
Evaluating the Investment in Rhinoplasty Surgery
- The cost of rhinoplasty varies widely, influenced by factors such as the type and complexity of the procedure and the surgeon’s expertise.
- Open rhinoplasty tends to be more expensive than closed rhinoplasty due to its detailed approach and higher success rate in complex cases.
- Functional rhinoplasty, focusing on correcting breathing issues, generally costs less than cosmetic rhinoplasty, which is aimed at enhancing aesthetic appearance.
- Additional expenses to consider include anesthesia, hospital or surgical facility fees, medical tests, prescriptions, and the surgeon’s fee.
- While cosmetic rhinoplasty is usually not covered by insurance, functional rhinoplasty for medical conditions like a deviated septum may receive partial coverage.